When to Prepare for a Move

Getting ready for a move can feel like a daunting task, especially when you consider how much time you should allow for moving preparations. When is the right time to start? How much time should you allow to successfully avoid stress? If you’re not sure about the right moving timeline for your relocation, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will help you determine the right schedule for your move and provide the steps to successfully prepare within your timeframe.

When and How Should I Prepare For My Move?

Although preparing for a move can feel intimidating, the task can be simple with the right knowledge. Discover our 10 steps to an organized move without any need for rushing.

  • Allow 6 to 8 Weeks for Preparation

The most important aspect of preparing for a move is to allow yourself the appropriate amount of time. In most cases, six to eight weeks of prep time is recommended to ensure you can get ready for your relocation without rushing. The more time you have, the better—but with about two months of preparation time, you can successfully handle your moving needs appropriately.

  • Create a Plan ASAP

The best place to start with your moving prep is with a complete plan. Your moving plan should include a timeline, a budget, and a to-do list. These aspects will allow you to handle your move with enhanced organization, reducing stress levels throughout your relocation. Your timeline and to-do list will help you pace yourself during preparation, and your budget will help you to maintain your financials effectively. 

  • Stick to a Timeline

Once you create your moving timeline, do what you can to stick to it as closely as possible. This schedule will empower you to pace yourself throughout the moving process, rather than rushing to complete your tasks in the last week or two before moving day. 

  • Handle Time-Sensitive Tasks

With your timeline, make sure your most time-sensitive tasks are top priority to prevent any hiccups in your moving preparations. Tasks such as booking movers, transferring utilities, and signing documents for your new home or moving company need to be handled in a timely manner. Keep these items at the top of your to-do list, and ensure you meet any deadlines to complete your relocation without delays.

  • Declutter First

Before you begin the packing process, make sure to take time to declutter your space. Decluttering your home before you pack will ultimately save time on packing items you no longer want or need—and on unpacking items once you arrive at your new home. Separate your items into four categories: sell, donate, throw away, and keep. Start with high-clutter areas, such as storage closets and basements, as these parts of your home will likely hold the highest volume of items that you no longer use. You can also consider investing in storage space for seasonal items or anything you want to keep but don’t need in your home.

  • Pack in Small Chunks

Once you start tackling the packing process, allow yourself time to handle this task in small chunks. Packing can feel overwhelming, especially when you try to do too much at once. Instead, spread the task out over the course of days and weeks, handling the items you use less frequently first. Then, move along to your essential items last. By tackling the task in feasible chunks, you can decrease stress and handle the process in a more organized fashion.

  • Stay Organized as You Pack

As previously mentioned, handling packing in chunks will allow you to stay organized throughout the process. You should maintain as much organization as possible to ensure unpacking feels easier when you arrive at your new home. Take care to label your boxes in detail on more than one size. Alternatively, you can create an inventory system, assigning each box a number and keeping a spreadsheet of which items are in which box. Another option is to color-code your boxes depending on which room they correspond to. These steps will ultimately make unpacking easier and keep your items orderly throughout the relocation process.

  • Update Your Address

To ensure you don’t miss any important communication following your relocation, be sure to update your address with the necessary parties in a reasonable timeframe. You should update your address with important parties including your employer, bank, insurance company, school, utility providers, and subscription services. Additionally, be sure to set up mail forwarding with the postal service so any mail addressed to your old home will be forwarded to your new place.

  • Transfer Utilities

Depending on the distance of your relocation, you will either need to transfer utilities or cancel existing utilities and set up new utilities at your new home. Whatever the case may be, ensure you handle this task within an appropriate timeframe to avoid any delays in service activation. 

  • Double-Check Everything

Last but not least, always double-check everything ahead of your relocation. Any bookings—such as with moving companies, travel accommodations, and transportation—should be confirmed about a week ahead of your move to avoid last-minute surprises and stressors. This way, you can rest assured that everything is taken care of when moving day rolls around.

Prepare for Your Move Like a Pro

By following these 10 steps, you can ensure you prepare for your move in a timely manner, allowing for a stress-free process. Looking for a moving company to help you through your relocation? Count on Oneida Solutions Group, Michigan’s dependable provider of relocation solutions.

No matter the size or distance of your move, our professional team can help you through the process with professionalism and care. Count on us for local and long-distance moving solutions.

Request a free quote online or call us today to learn more about our top-rated solutions at affordable rates!